Table of Contents

Welcome to the Green Bike Project wikipage

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In such a decentralized and transient organization, this wiki is the central resource to help us run the Green Bike Project. If you see something wrong or missing, please take the initiative and fix it. Wikis only work if you keep the content updated.

In order to edit pages, you must create an account and be logged in. For help of any kind, visit the help page.


Volunteer Rota

Volunteering at the Green Bike Project is a fantastic chance to pick up a new skillset whether in bicycle maintenance, accountancy, events organisation, social media, co-operative development or any host of other aspects that help a co-op function smoothly. We place a strong emphasis on education as one of the seven co-operative principles and we are hopeful as a volunteer you'll learn something new about co-operatives and bikes that will help you later on in life. If you are a student, your volunteering hours are recognised by the Guild and PSA scheme. You can read more about volunteering in this leaflet (also available in shop)

Parts Purchasing and dealing with Wholesalers

We currently have a trade account with The Cycle Division orders are made online via. Directors and the IT admin will have access to the login details and have the ability to make orders. Orders can only be placed once the £100 barrier exceeded because then we are able to get free postage.

Once the items have been selected on the site proceed to checkout. This will generate an invoice that will be E-mailed through to us within a few hours. We need to pay the VAT on the order as we do not yet have VAT expemtion due to our small trading figures. Once the invoice has been recieved we need to pay it via our online account with Unity Trust. The order will be delivered to the Guild the day after our payment has been recieved by The Cycle Division. You can contact them by calling 01484456137 or E-mailing julia at